Tag Archives: orbit

What We are to the World.

Hey Guys!

I’ve been recently thinking about what we are to the world, what we humans are to the planet, the universe, even our own country. I was thinking about how beautiful each country and each place is in the world, or just as far as the naked eye can see. I was thinking about what we’ve done to the world. It sounds a lame subject, but I was quite intrigued at the depths of my thoughts. To start off, we are a minority to the universe and our own galaxy, planets such as Saturn and Jupiter are somewhat significant in our solar system, as we know it The Milkyway. On Earth, celebrities are significant to this day and age’s media, however somewhere else, like the Universe, us humans are not known, we are nothing in this big black thing of matter, as we know it Space.



The other day, I was on the bus on the way to school and the sun was shining, but it was cold. I saw everything as being beautiful and I could see in the distance, fields and a blue sky, and just things that make you stop and think. And on this bus, I then looked downwards to see a lot of cars and bigger vehicles that were not beautiful. This leads me on to my next point, pollution and the ruining of the Earth we live in. So, approximately 4,600,000,000 years ago during the Earths formation, a regular and heavy comet and meteorite bombarded the Earth’s surface and the large craters left behind not only contained water and the basic chemical building blocks for life, but also became the perfect crucible to concentrate and cook these chemicals to create the first simple organisms. Basically, the right amount of water created life. We were created by chance, some believe God made the World, however. If the right amount of water wasn’t on Earth, we wouldn’t be here. We were given a chance, and we were created as a result of a comet that hit the Earth, but us humans have destroyed the chance that we had. We have ruined something so beautiful and taken it amongst ourselves to change what we were given and make it into something ‘better’, to suit our needs. It’s sad because we’ve ruined the Earth and now scientists etc are panicking about future generations and what they’ll do and be faced with. Humans impacted the world, as well as space, other planets, the moon. What would space be like without satellites, rockets, telescopes, cameras? It would be un-damaged.  What if there was a galaxy, similar to ours, with 300 billion stars in it, as well as a solar system? What if there was life somewhere else, that were doing the same thing as us, and investigating something that wasn’t made to be bombarded with activity and investigations?

This doesn’t link with the theme of my blog, so I’m going to introduce another point I’ve thought about. The Earth was created, and us humans have brought illness, diseases, sadness, happiness, war, poverty, all these other things to this innocent beautiful thing we live in. The Earth was pure, much like a planet like Mars, but now it isn’t. Despite this, us humans have debated whether to move to another planet, Mars, just to ruin that as well? Earth is a place that is centred around what humans do. Mankind is selfish. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, schizophrenia, other mental disorders; the Earth does not deserve to have such selfish humans on it, we have brought bad things to Earth, and ruined it with things like war.

This post is not exactly structured and I don’t quite know myself where I was going with it. My point is, is that Earth used to be pure, and was created from something so amazing, that may never ever happen again. Humans were created by chance, and the human race are so self centred that we have ruined it, and don’t feel any guilt or sadness towards it. Everything we have brought to Earth is bad, we have impacted space and investigated something that wasn’t made to be. It’s there because of science; forces, gravity, gases, rock, comets, electromagnetic waves, etc. It wasn’t there to be ruined or be touched. I’m not one that massively recycles or anything, and I’m not one that obsessively cares for the environment. It was simply a thought that crossed my mind, and that things like depression and sadness, were never here before, and that humans are so self centred that the emotion was formed through them. We’re just a bunch of people that bring negativity to such a beautiful place.

Charlotte xxx